Alert Node

      Alert Node

        Article summary

        Alert Node

        The Alert node visually indicates when data is not meeting specific conditions. You can configure it with various logic options for different alert requirements.

        There are two methods of configuration:

        • Not receiving data - if you select this alert type, the widget will indicate when it isn't receiving data from a chosen field. 
        • Custom alert - if you select this alert type, the widget will indicate when a data value has breached a threshold value.

        When triggered, the node will send an output JSON to the workflow. You can connect this output to an Email node, allowing you to automatically send email notifications to users each time an Alert is triggered. For more information on Email nodes, see Section 3.2.5: Output Nodes.


        To use the Alert node, you must select an input. The input field for this node varies depending on your configuration.

        If you set the node alert type to ‘Not receiving data’, the input required will be ‘Field Name for Unreceived Output’. The node will check this field and provide a visual indication when it hasn't received data in a certain period.

        If you set the node alert type to ‘Custom alert’, the input required will be ‘Input Data Field’. The node will check this field and provide a visual indication when data in this field breaches a specified threshold.

        Adding an Alert node to your workflow

        1. First, select your desired solution and navigate to Rayven Workflow.
        2. Select ‘Visualizations’ from the left-hand panel.
        3. Find the Alert node and drag it onto the canvas.
        4. Connect the Alert node to your desired input node.
        5. Double click on the Alert node to open its configuration window.

        Configuring a 'Not Receiving Data' Alert

        Note: Before configuring an alert node of any type, you must create at least one device filter. To create and manage device filters, see Section 3.3: Device Management

        1. Enter a node name. Choose something simple that clearly describes the data source or purpose.
        2. Next, choose an alert type. Here, we want to select ‘Not Receiving Data’.
        3. If you want, you can add a Widget Subtitle. This additional text helps explain the data presented in the node. Anything added here will appear directly under the Widget Name in a smaller font.
        4. Selecting the 'Device/Device Label Name' checkbox will ensure the widget displays the device or label name.
        5. Set the length of time you want to pass before a ‘Not Receiving Data’ alert is triggered. This value must be an integer and measured in minutes. For example, entering a length of 10 will result in the node producing an alert after 10 minutes without input data. Measurement begins the moment you save the node.
        6. You can optionally enter a ‘Field Name For Unreceived Output’ to visually indicate disruptions in the data flow. The node will output a string to this field if it doesn't receive data for the specified period. 
        7. Choose how you want your outputs generated. Selecting ‘Output only the first alert in a sequence’ will send the first alert but stop the production of any subsequent alerts. Once data for the field name is received again, the count resets. Selecting ‘Output when communication restored’ triggers an alert once data is received again after a break, as long as the break lasts for the period previously specified.
        8. The widget will display 'not receiving data' (when there is no data for the set period) or 'receiving data' (if it receives data within the set period). 
        9. To include icons on your widget when data is or isn’t received, click ‘Choose icon’ and select an option from the Rayven library.
        10. Finally, before the Alert node can be activated, you need to select a device filter from the ‘Filter Device By’ dropdown menu. The node will check all devices matching the device filter for data. You can use multiple device filters in one node. For more information on configuring device filters, see Section 3.3: Device Management.
        11. Once you have selected your device filter(s), click 'Activate', then 'Save'. The node is now ready to receive data.

        Configuring a Custom Alert

        Note: Before configuring an alert node of any type, you must create at least one device filter. To create and manage device filters, see Section 3.3: Device Management.

        1. First, choose a node name. Pick something simple that clearly explains its purpose.
        2. Next, select an alert type. Here, we want ‘Custom Alert’.
        3. Enter a subtitle for your widget, if applicable. 
        4. Select the 'Device/Device Label Name' checkbox to display this field on the widget. 
        5. Enter your Input Data Field. The node will check this field and provide a visual alert if the data breaches a certain threshold.
        6. Choose a relevant condition:
            • '=': if the field equals the specified value or string, the case will operate. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
            • '>': if the field is larger than the specified value, the case will operate.
            • '<': if the field is smaller than the specified value, the case will operate.
        7. Enter a value or string to compare to the input data.
        8. Decide if you want to set a ‘Time period condition’. If checked, the Alert node will monitor the input data for the time specified before producing an alert. Under ‘For the last’, enter an integer and select your measurement unit from the dropdown menu.
        9. In the ‘Text for Proper State’ field, enter the text you want to appear on the widget while the data field has not reached the set threshold. If you want to include an icon on your widget when data is in its proper state, click ‘Choose icon’ to select from the Rayven library.
        10. In the ‘Text for Improper State’ field, enter the text you want to appear on the widget when the data field breaches the set threshold. If you want to include an icon for when data is in its improper state, click ‘Choose icon’.
        11. If you want the ‘Text for Proper State’ and ‘Text for Improper State’ added to the output JSON payload, configure this under ‘Field Name for Custom Alert Output’.
        12. Select a method for grouping the widget on the dashboard:
          • No Grouping (widget per device): creates a unique widget for each device.
          • Group by device label value (widget per label value): creates a unique widget for each unique label value. For example, if the device label is ‘Color’ and the label values are ‘Green’ and ‘Gold’ the dashboard will show two widgets. One will contain data for devices labeled ‘Green’ and the other for devices labeled ‘Gold’.
          • Group by device label name (one widget): displays only one widget. This will contain data from all devices with the device label specified.
        13. Finally, before the Alert node can be activated, you must select a device filter from the ‘Filter Device By’ dropdown menu. The alert node will monitor all devices matching this filter. You can enter multiple device filters.
        14. Once you have selected your device filters, click the 'Activate' button, then click 'Save'.


        See Also: Email node, Creating a dashboard, Creating device labels, Configuring nodes using labels

        As of Release: 08.12.2021

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