Date & Time Formats
Date & Time Formats
Almost all of the data that passes through the Rayven Platform is time-based, making timestamps and timestamp formats very important. Rayven can deal with a wide range of intervals and timestamp formats.
Generally, you configure date and time formats within an input node. For example, at the bottom of the HTTP node screen shown below, there is a section that prompts you to define the date and time for the incoming JSON payload.
If the 'Take Date Field from JSON' section of a node is blank, Rayven will by default apply a timestamp the moment it receives the data.
If you enter a Date Field and Date Format, the default timestamp will be in the timezone UTC.
Formatting options
You can format the date and time as an EPOCH or in a reader-friendly format like ISO8601 or a calendar.
Rayven supports the following options:
Format | Definition |
EPOCH | UNIX epoch in seconds. That is, the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970) minus leap seconds. For example, '1628467597'. |
EPOCHMS | UNIX epoch in milliseconds, for example '1628467597123'. |
s | Second, 0->59 |
ss | Second, 00->59 |
m | Minute, 0->59 |
mm | Minute, 00->59 |
h | Hour, 12 hour clock 1->12 |
hh | Hour, 12 hour clock 01->12 |
H | Hour, 24 hour clock 0->23 |
HH | Hour, 24 hour clock 00->23 |
d | Day, 1->31 |
dd | Day, 01->31 |
M | Month, 1->12 |
MM | Month, 01->12 |
MMM | Month, abbreviated. For example, 'Sep'. |
MMMM | Month, full name. For example, 'September'. |
yyyy | Year |
t | AM/PM, first letter |
tt | AM/PM |
f | Second fractions (enter the correct number of 'f's) |