Email Node

      Email Node

        Article summary

        Email Node

        The Email node will send an email to a configured address when a payload is received. You can use it to notify users of the data.

        Adding an Email node to your workflow

        1. First, select your desired solution and navigate to Rayven Workflow.
        2. Select ‘Outputs’ from the left-hand panel.
        3. Find the Email node and drag it onto the canvas.
        4. Provide input to the Email node by connecting it to another node
        5. Double click on the Email node to open its configuration window.

        Configuring your Email node

        1. First, give your node a Name. Choose something simple that clearly explains its purpose.
        2. Select For Email Report if you want an email report triggered when the Email node receives data. See Email Report Configuration for more information.
        3. Enter the email Subject
        4. Enter the email Body
          • Insert a value from the JSON payload using the syntax ((json_key)). 
          • Insert a Device ID using the syntax <<_deviceid_>>.
          • Insert a Device Name using the syntax <<_devicename_>>.
        5. We recommend you include an email Header and Footer. A header is a short description seen by the addressee before they open an email.

        Email addresser

        Next, it's time to set up your email addresser (the 'sender').

        1. Enter the Addresser Name: this is the identifier you want to appear in the email 'from' field.
        2. Enter the Addresser Email: this is the address from which you want to send the email. 

        Email addressee

        Finally, you must enter the details for the email addressee (the 'receiver'). 

        • Enter a name under To End User, and the node will take the email address configured for this user under Dashboard Users.
        • You can also enter Specific Email Addresses. Use a comma-separated list if you have multiple recipients. 
        • Alternatively, take addressee email addresses from a payload JSON key by entering the relevant field under Email from Data Field Name.

        Once you have configured your email node, click 'Save'. It is now ready to send emails to the addresses configured.

        See Also: Configuring an Email Report and Setting up Dashboard Users

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