LoRa Node

      LoRa Node

        Article summary

        LoRa Node

        LoRaWAN is a media access control (MAC) protocol for wide area networks. It enables low-powered devices to communicate with Internet-connected applications over long-range wireless connections. LoRaWAN can be mapped to the second and third layers of the OSI model. It is implemented on top of LoRa or FSK modulation in industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands.

        The LoRa node can receive data from devices or an IoT cloud service that uses the LoRa protocol. It will output each device payload in the order received.

        Adding a LoRa node to your workflow

        1. First, select your desired solution and navigate to Rayven Workflow.
        2. Select ‘Inputs’ from the left-hand panel.
        3. Find the LoRa node and drag it onto the canvas.
        4. Double click on the LoRa node to open its configuration window.


        Configuring your LoRa node

        1. Give your node a name. Choose something simple that clearly explains its purpose. You must pick a name that has three or more characters.
        2. URL: This unique URL points to the Rayven server and can’t be changed. https://my.rayven.io:8082/api/main?uid=1564c1d5321f0154422882bd3f80853587a3&deviceid=[[device_id]]. When transmitting to this URL, make sure to change the [[device_id]] to be the same as the ID in the Device Management system. Doing this ensures the system can authorise saving the device data.
        3. Select the format for the payload the LoRa node will receive from your hardware.

        Advanced Features

        1. It is possible to send the unique device ID in the payload by entering the name of the field containing device IDs under 'Payload Device ID Field Name'.
        2. If 'Pass entire payload' is selected, the node will output the entire JSON and the decoded data of the "payload" field. For example:
        If the LoRa input is:

        [{"rx": {"moteeui": "2939CEC4", "userdata": {"seqno": 5, "port": 2, "payload": "NzQ2ZDVmMzEzMDNhMzIzNTJlMzM=", "motetx": {"freq": 915600000, "modu": "LoRa", "datr":              "SF12BW125", "codr": "4/5"}}, "gwrx": [{"time": "2019-12-24 19:44:40", "chan": 2, "rfch": 0, "rssi": -85, "lsnr": 7.7999999999999998}]}}]

        Then if 'pass entire payload' is unchecked (default state) the node will output only the decoded data of the "payload" field: "NzQ2ZDVmMzEzMDNhMzIzNTJlMzM="

        The output will be: {"tm_10":"25.3"}

        If the 'pass entire payload' is selected, the node will output the entire JSON and the decoded data from the "payload" field.

        The output would be:

        {"rx":{"moteeui":"2939CEC4","userdata":{"seqno":5,"port":2,"payload":"NzQ2ZDVmMzEzMDNhMzIzNTJlMzM=","motetx":{"freq":915600000,"modu":"LoRa","datr":"SF12BW125","codr":"4/5"}},"gwrx":[{"time":"2019-12-24 19:44:40","chan":2,"rfch":0,"rssi":-85,"lsnr":7.8}]},"payload":{"tm_10":"25.3"}}


        Once you have finished configuring the node, click 'activate' and then 'save'. The node is now ready to receive data.

        See Also: Adding devices
        As of Release: 17.11.2021

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