Sharing & Copying Workflows

      Sharing & Copying Workflows

        Article Summary

        Sharing & Copying Workflows

        You might want to use routine workflows again in different solutions. For example, if you had a workflow called Entry Point processing data via a combination of input and function nodes or a workflow called Alarms comparing received values with a threshold value. Sharing these workflows across any solutions in your account would save significant time compared to manually recreating workflows for each solution. 

        To use a shared workflow in another solution, ensure your Workspace User account has access to both solutions. For more information about Workspace User permissions, see Section 4: Workspace Users and Section 4: Solution Roles.

        If you delete an original workflow, it will disappear from the Shared Flows menu. If you delete a solution containing a shared workflow, this workflow will also disappear from Shared Flows.

        When sharing and copying workflows, update any Link To and Go To node IDs to match your new solution. 

        Sharing Workflows

        When a workflow is shared, it will appear in the Shared Flows menu. You can access this menu from any solution in your account.

        All workflows in Shared Flows are live versions of the original: any updates to the original will impact the shared workflow. For example, if you add a formula node to your initial Alarms workflow the shared version will also gain a formula node.

        To share a workflow:

        1. From your solution, select 'Workflows' from the left-hand panel to access the Solutions Flows Menu. 
        2. Select the workflow you want to share and click 'Share workflow' from the right-hand side of the row. 
        3. Enter a description for the workflow. You can edit this at any time. 
        4. Click 'Share Flow' to make the workflow accessible from any other solution in the account. 

        In the example below, the workflow 'Alarms' is being shared from the solution 'Energy Platform'.

        Copying Workflows

        Copying a workflow from the Shared Flows menu into a solution creates a local workflow version. The example above created and shared an Alarms workflow. If we copied this workflow from Shared Flows into a separate solution called Facility Dynamix, any further changes to the original wouldn't impact the Facility Dynamix Alarms workflow.

        To copy a workflow into a solution:

        1. Open the 'workflows' tab from the solution where you want to use the shared workflow.
        2. Select 'Shared Flows' to see available shared workflows.
        3. Click 'Copy workflow' to add a local copy of the workflow to your current solution.
        4. Select 'Solution Flows'. The workflow will appear ready for use.
        5. Click 'Edit workflow' to use this workflow in your current solution. You must update any Link To and Go To nodes with the new corresponding Node IDs.
        6. Use the 'Unshare workflow' button to remove workflows from the Shared Flows menu. Selecting Unshare makes a workflow unusable except in its original solution.