Workflows & data management

      Workflows & data management

        Article Summary

        Workflows & data management

        When it comes to data, no two businesses are the same. Each has unique data, stored in varied formats and systems, streamed in differing frequencies. To cater to a wide range of data possibilities, Rayven applies a dual data management strategy.

        1. For Unstructured data: Rayven uses the NoSQL database management system, Apache Cassandra. NoSQL databases don't impose rigid requirements on data models and database schemas: as a result, they can store unstructured and semi-structured data like sensor data, GPS records, and tag data from machines and systems. 
        2. For Structured data: Rayven uses the database management system MySQL, which you can manage and customize through a simple interface in our tables application.

        What is a workflow?

        Workflows are the logic construct behind your devices, data, and overall solution. They can be a basic, sequential advancement of steps or a complex series of events with specified dependencies, rules, and requirements.

        Rayven's workflows are visual diagrams created via a drag-and-drop interface. You can use them to create rules and connect systems without writing a line of code.

        A workflow consists of steps, resources needed to accomplish steps (such as your staff or machinery), and instructions for how these interact. A workflow consists of steps, resources needed to accomplish steps (such as your staff or machinery), and instructions for how these interact. Workflows delineate start and endpoints, direction(s) of movement, where there may be decision points, what you expect for results, and potential substitute steps.

        Using workflows, you can:

        • connect to any device or system,
        • ingest data from various sources,
        • implement business logic,
        • create alerts and notifications,
        • and push data to visualizations or other systems.

        What is a node?

        Nodes configure workflow components. Each node is a graphical element representing a point in your business process. Rayven's Flow Builder has seven types of built-in nodes:

        • Input Nodes allow you to configure how data is ingested and from what sources. 
        • Function Nodes let you manipulate data using custom logic, formulas, or JavaScript code.
        • Visualization Nodes push data into charts, tables, and maps.
        • Control Nodes make dashboards interactive via buttons, dropdown menus, and text fields.
        • Output Nodes push data into third-party systems.
        • Tools contains debug nodes for querying data and workflow stages.
        • Machine Learning Nodes send data to the Rayven Machine Learning workbench.

        Nodes can be dragged and dropped onto the workflow canvas from the flow builder palette. Any number of nodes can be added to configure a process. For more information on nodes, see Section 3.2: Workflows.

        Data stored on a node level
        In Rayven, we store your raw data as it hits the platform. We also store pre-calculated data on a node level to optimize for data processing and speed.

        A quick introduction to workflows can be found between 3:30 - 4:24 in the below video