Sharing Dashboards

      Sharing Dashboards

        Article Summary

        Sharing Dashboards

        Sharing a dashboard link generates a URL users can enter into a web browser, add to an email, or add to an SMS node. Recipients will receive this URL via an alert. To generate a dashboard link, select the Admin menu from the top-right corner. Then, choose whether to create a public or private dashboard link. 

        Public Dashboards

        Public dashboards are visible to users even when they aren't logged in. Users can enter the URL into their web browser and the dashboard will load immediately. 

        To share a public dashboard, you must be logged in as a Viewer dashboard user. This dashboard user has the lowest level of permissions and cannot edit the size or position of widgets, edit widgets from the dashboard, or edit data in tables. 

        Links to public dashboards provide anyone who accesses the link with the same level of access as the Viewer dashboard user. Therefore, there is no risk of other users making dashboard edits. Note that the header section of the dashboards is hidden in this view: public dashboard users will not have access to the Admin menu. 

        To generate a public dashboard link:

        1. Log in as a Viewer user.
        2. Select the Admin menu from the top-right corner.
        3. Select 'Share Public Dashboard'.
        4. Click 'Copy Link'. 

        You can hide the names of the dashboard tabs that appear at the top of the browser window. This is useful if you want to present the dashboard on a public-facing screen and only want to display the widgets. 

        Private Dashboards

        A private dashboard requires users to log in with authenticated credentials prior to access. Any user type can share a private dashboard. 

        To generate a private dashboard link: 

        1. Select the Admin menu from the top-right corner.
        2. Select 'Share Private Dashboard'.
        3. Click 'Copy Link'.